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• FREE URL Forwarding with no ads
• FREE E-mail Forwarding
• FREE Dynamic DNS
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Article number: Article number: kb-7
Q. I need to forward (point) my domain to my website. How do I setup url forwarding?

A. NOTE:url forwarding is only available if using our default nameservers.

Use Record Type: URL Redirect if you want to forward the domain name to a website, and display that website address in the address bar.

Use Record Type: URL FRAME if you want to forward the domain name to a website, but continue to display your domain name in the address bar.

Use Record Type: Use A(ddress) record type if you are going to forward (point) to an I.P. Address (i.e., 123.456.56.6)

Line 1 Hostname = www: This forwards your domain if you enter the www's into the address bar of the browser. Example:

Line 2 Hostname = @(none): This forwards your domain if they forget to enter the www's into the address bar of the browser. Example:

Tips for deciding which type of URL forwarding to use:

In the simplest terms, you would want to use the URL Frame option when you want your domain name to stay in the address line of the user's browser. This works by putting your real web site in a frame. This is the option most often used for URL forwarding because it hides the true address of your web site which may look something like
and the address in the browser will still say

The URL Redirect option will simply redirect users who type in your domain name to the URL you specify. In this case, the user would see the real address of your web site and your domain name will NOT remain in the address bar.

This option might be best for you if you already have a main web site and you'd like users who type in your alternate domain name to actually see your main domain name. Also, in some cases, loading a web site in a frame (as is done with the previous option) may cause problems with navigation or scripting on a web site.

If you're not sure, try both ways and see which one best fits your needs.
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